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Brown School Student Financial Services

Important information related to tuition, fees, bills, payments, scholarships, loans and more.

Career Engagement

Job search assistance, programs, events, links to job postings.

Diversity Resources

The Brown School holds social justice and equity as guiding principles in our work, and these values direct our community’s efforts around diversity and inclusion.

External Affairs

Utilize resources to integrate the Brown School into your projects with the help of the Communications toolkit.

Finance Department

Important information and resources for travel expenses and reimbursement. Find the forms and contacts you need for the process here.

Human Resources

Find information concerning employment, safety and administration at the Brown School.

Information Technology

Connect with an IT service member to find solutions to your technology issues including hardware, software, email, lab availability, classroom assistance and more.


Access to information, assistance and resources from the Brown School’s library: borrow books, video, audio, technology and many other helpful services.

Mental Health Resources

In emergency situations, it is always best to contact 911 or the Campus Police at (314) 935-5555


Here you’ll find all the fine print regarding Brown School policies, though thankfully stated in a normal-sized font.


Important information related to the Office of the Registrar.

Research Administration

Important information on research finding, grants, proposals, IRB policies and other pieces needed for successful projects.

Safety & Preparedness

Whether it’s for a tornado or the walk to your car, here’s your resource for contacts and tips on how to stay safe on campus.

Service Center

Need to distribute something to faculty, students and staff? Need help with copying, mailings, faxing, and other small projects? The Brown School Service Center can help. The Service Center is the administrative support center for all faculty and staff.


Schedule a meeting to utilize assistance with research and statistics from peer tutors.

The Writing Center & Speaking Studio 

Writing, Presentation, & Academic Skills Support