Faculty Handbook

Use this link to download a pdf of the Brown School faculty handbook.

Faculty Accomplishments

Use this link to report your accomplishments for the monthly digest.

Faculty Success

Faculty Success is a web-based information management system enabling the collection, organization, sharing, and presentation of Brown School faculty scholarship, teaching, and service data.

Outstanding Staff Member of the Month

Each month, an employee will get nominated and awarded the “Outstanding Staff Member of the Month Award.”

OpEd Project


This is a direct connection to WebFAC for all of your WebFAC-related needs.

Student of Concern Form

The Brown School is committed to the personal and academic success of its students. Please use this form to share any concerns you have regarding the ability of any student to succeed based on their emotional, behavioral or scholarly performance.

Staff Handshake

Submit student employee opportunities here for incoming and current students.

Integrity Violation Reporting Form

The Brown School values the academic and professional integrity of all of its students. Please complete this form for any incidence of suspected academic or professional integrity violations as set forth in the Student Handbook and email to the Assistant Dean of your program. If the suspected violation concerns a PhD student enrolled in MSW or MPH courses, please email this form to the Director of Doctoral Programs in Social Work or Public Health Sciences.

Sabbatical Policy and Application

Sabbatical leave provides opportunity for planned, active-status academic effort to focus on, advance, and freshen scholarship and to open new avenues for research, teaching, and outreach. Sabbatical leaves are available only to tenured faculty members.

Mental Health Guide

Faculty and staff who interact with students are in a unique position to notice signs and symptoms that students may be under significant stress, distress or experiencing an emotional crisis. This document provides some guidelines for recognizing when students are experiencing difficulties, and for assessing the appropriate response.

Reserving Space at Better Family Life

Through our administrative partnership, we offer satellite space for community-based research, teaching and training, and service activities at Better Family Life in North City. Learn how to use and book this resource.