A quick how-to guide for submitting your event for the Brown School and Happenings at WashU calendar

Graphics and Imagery

A photo or image in Happenings is what viewers see first. Find an image that looks as great on mobile devices as on a larger desktop screen.

The overall size of photos for Happenings: 1565×1080 pts. (21.7361 inches x 15 inches at 72dpi).

Live smaller area: fit the main portion of your design here. The  photo does not resize. It just crops out the grey shaded area. 1069×783 pts.

Once published, the event date appears automatically in the upper left corner within the live smaller area. Do not put anything of importance here. The square is 205×205 pts.

What we need to get your event into Happenings

Just think who, what, when, where, why. Be sure your photo is the right size. Ideally you want 2-months lead time for your audience to add this to their schedules. Click on the “Submit an Event” button on the right side of the Happenings screen (green box), then answer the questions:

  • Name of event 
  • Description 
  • Schedule of event with date and time 
  • Let us know if this is in-person, hybrid, or virtual 
  • If it is in-person or hybrid, where will the event take place?
  • If it is hybrid and virtual, what is the Zoom or Open Classroom link?
  • Photo and imagery. For sizing, follow the specs above. If you do not have a photo or logo, or you are unable to create an image, comms can provide some graphics or use the default logo for the school. If you have an image, please send it as a JPG, PNG or vector file format. 
  • School and department sponsoring the event? 
  • Website URL
  • Contact person’s email 

Hint: Keep it clear and brief. Direct viewers to your website for all the details. 

The earlier your Happenings event is submitted, the more likely your event will be highlighted at the top of our page!

This means greater visibility and attention.

Submitting a Centennial Event

When submitting a Centennial event, please remember to include the hashtag Brown100 under Additional Details. Additionally, be sure to use the official Brown School Centennial photo as your event image.

Why your event may not get into Happenings

If you receive a “Reject” the reason is most likely:

  • Wrong size/dimension photo or graphic. (We can try to help you with this, or double-check with the specs at the top of this page)
  • Incomplete information, or incorrect information
  • Violation of brand standards. (i.e. incorrect use of the WashU graphics)
  • Event may not be aligned with The Brown School (i.e. too specific of an audience)

Did you know…

You can get a personalized list of Happenings in your inbox? Fill out the Digest emailer form here!

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Brown School Comms Team.