Master of Social Work 

The formal requirements for the MSW degree are:

1.      Completion of a minimum of 60 credits beyond the baccalaureate degree;

2.      Evidence of satisfactory performance, defined as a “B” average or better (3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average) for all courses, and the completion of Foundation and Concentration fieldwork with a grade of PASS

3.      Satisfactory completion of 21 credits of Foundation course requirements through course credit or through proficiency exam procedures

4.      Completion of a minimum of 9 credits (960 hours) in practica, comprised of:

  • 1-credit Integrative Foundation Practicum Field Seminar
  • 3 credits (360 hours) of Foundation level practicum
  • 5 credits (600 hours) of Concentration level practicum
  • A maximum of 14 practicum credits may be counted toward the degree, including any elective practicum credits

5.       Satisfactory completion of 30 credits of Concentration course requirements for one of the approved Concentrations or an approved individualized program of study (see Individual Planning Forms for required courses for each Concentration and/or Specialization)

6.      Completion of all requirements for the degree within 4 years of initial matriculation

7.      Completion and approval of an Intent to Graduate form by the deadlines announced by the Brown School Registrar

Read more about declaring a Concentration and/or Specialization.

​Master of Social Work (Advanced Standing) 

See MSW requirements and, in addition, upon admission to the Brown School, applicants with a BSW from a CSWE-accredited program are eligible for a maximum of 19 transfer credit hours of Foundation curriculum, based on submitted transcripts. Advanced Standing is awarded only for course work completed in a CSWE-accredited baccalaureate social work program. International Advanced Standing student’s baccalaureate coursework must be approved by the International Social Work Degree Recognition and Evaluation Service (ISWDRES).  

Advanced Standing requests are expected before matriculation but must be received and approved prior to the end of the second week of the fall semester.  

In order to be considered for Advanced Standing credit, BSW courses must be equivalent to Brown School MSW Foundation courses. Only courses with a grade of “B” or better will be eligible for credit. BSW graduates are eligible to take the proficiency exams for BSW courses in which they did not receive a B or better. Advanced Standing is not awarded for course work in other undergraduate disciplines or for life or work experiences. 

All students entering the MSW program with a  BSW will be required to take a two-week course, S15-7600 BSW Intensive: Bridge to Brown, held in August prior to the school year starting. The intensive will introduce students to essential skills for completing an accelerated MSW Program, such as evidence-based practice, social justice and human diversity, social, economic, and political environment, and research methods.

Students who are awarded the maximum of 19 transfer credits will complete 39 credits for their MSW degree.

Read more about declaring a Concentration and/or Specialization.

Master of Public Health

The formal requirements for the MPH degree are:

  1. Completion of a minimum of 52 credits beyond the baccalaureate degree
  2. Evidence of knowledge of human biology through previous courses completed or through an approved course with a grade of “B” or better
  3. Evidence of satisfactory performance defined as a “B” average or better (3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average) across all courses and the successful completion of fieldwork with a grade of PASS
  4. Satisfactory completion of program requirements through course credit or proficiency exam procedures
    1. Satisfactory completion of 15 credits of Foundation courses, and 34 credits of advanced-level courses; (see individual planning forms on Inside Brown for required courses for each Specialization)
    2. Satisfactory completion of 3 credits (360 hours) in practica
  5. Demonstration of biostatistics competency by achieving a minimum grade of B- or better.
    1. Students must receive a grade of B-or higher in Biostatistics in order to enroll in Applied Linear Modeling
  6. Completion of all requirements for the degree within 4 years of initial matriculation
  7. Receiving a passing grade in Capstone II
  8. Passing the Certified Public Health exam
  9. Completion and approval of an Intent to Graduate form by the deadlines announced by the Brown School Registrar

Read more about declaring a Concentration.

Master of Social Policy

The formal requirements for the MSP degree are:

  1. Completion of 5 Required Courses covering the five core areas of social policy: statistics, economics, politics of public policy, policy analysis, and management.
  2. Successful completion of 9 credit hours of pre-approved elective Courses   
  3. Successful completion of 3 credits (minimum of 360 hours) of Practicum
  4. Successful completion of 2 Short Courses (4 credit hours) 
  5. Successful transfer of 12 pre-approved credit hours from your additional program or home institution.
  6. Evidence of satisfactory performance defined as a “B” average or better (3.0) or higher cumulative grade point average) across all courses and the successful completion of fieldwork.
Master of Social Work/Master of Public Health Dual Degree

The formal requirements for the MPH/MSW Degree are:

  1. Completion of a minimum of 85 credits beyond the baccalaureate degree
  2. Evidence of satisfactory performance defined as a “B” average or better (3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average) across all courses through course credit or through advanced standing or proficiency exam procedures and successful completion of Foundation and Concentration fieldwork with a grade of PASS
    1. Satisfactory completion of 15 social work Foundation-level credits, 12 Concentration-level credits;  (see individual Planning Forms on Inside Brown for required courses for each Concentration and/or Specialization)
    2. Satisfactory completion of 15 public health Foundation-level credits, 19 advanced-level public health credits; (see individual Planning Forms on Inside Brown for required courses for each Concentration and/or Specialization)
    3. Satisfactory completion of 15 credits of equivalent credits, which count towards both the MSW and MPH degree
    4. Satisfactory completion of 9 credits (960 hours) in practica (3 credits (360 hours) at the MSW Foundation level, 1-credit Integrative Foundation Practicum Field Seminar, 2 credits (240 hours) at the MSW Concentration level, and 3 credits (360 hours) of MSW/MPH Dual Degree practicum)
  3. Evidence of knowledge of human biology through previous courses completed or through an approved course with a grade of “B” or better
  4. Demonstration of biostatistics competency by achieving a minimum grade of B- or better
    1. Students must receive a grade of B- or higher in Biostatistics in order to enroll in Applied Linear Modeling
  5. Receiving a passing grade in Capstone II
  6. Passing the Certified Public Health Exam
  7. Completion of all requirements for the degree within 6 years of initial matriculation
  8. Completion and approval of an Intent to Graduate form by the deadlines announced by the Brown School Registrar

Read more about declaring a Concentration and/or Specialization.

Master of Social Work/Master of Public Health Dual Degree (Advanced Standing)

The formal requirements for the MSW/MPH Degree are

  1. Completion of a minimum of 66 credits beyond the baccalaureate degree*;
  2. Satisfactory completion of course requirements through course credit or through advanced standing or proficiency exam procedures;
    1. Satisfactory completion of BSW Intensive: Bridge to Brown.
    2. Satisfactory completion of 9 social work Foundation-level credits, 12 Concentration-level credits; (see individual Planning Forms on Inside Brown for required courses for each Concentration and/or Specialization)
    3. Satisfactory completion of 15 public health Foundation-level credits, 19 advanced-level public health credits; (see individual Planning Forms on Inside Brown for required courses for each Concentration and/or Specialization)
    4. Satisfactory completion of 15 credits of equivalent credits, which count towards both the MSW and MPH degree
    5. Satisfactory completion of 5 credits (600 hours) in practica (2 credits – 240 hours) at the MSW Concentration level and 3 credits (360 hours) of MSW/MPH Dual Degree practicum).
  3. Evidence of knowledge of human biology through previous courses completed or through an approved course with a grade of “B” or better;
  4. Demonstration of biostatistics competency by achieving a minimum grade of B- or better;
    1. Students must have a grade of B- or better in Biostatistics in order to enroll in Applied Linear Modeling
  5. Pass Capstone II
  6. Pass the Certified Public Health Exam
  7. Evidence of satisfactory performance with a “B” average or better (3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average) across all courses and the successful completion fieldwork with a grade of PASS;
  8. Completion of all requirements for the degree within 4 years of initial matriculation;
  9. Completion and approval of an Intent to Graduate form by the deadlines announced by the Brown School Registrar.

*MSW students admitted to the Brown School with advanced standing status who receive the full 19 credits towards their MSW degree.

Degree Requirements for Practicum

Please refer to the Field Education Handbook for all policies:

Maximum Period to Complete Studies

The MSW and MPH programs have a maximum of 4 academic years from matriculation to complete the degree. This maximum period to complete studies includes any time away from the University. This includes Advanced Standing students.

Students in the dual MSW/MPH program have a maximum of 6 academic years from matriculation to complete the degree.

The maximum period to complete studies for joint degrees vary by program due to the different requirements of each program.

Graduation Policies

In order to graduate, a student must have a minimum 3.00 Cumulative GPA, and all students must file an Intent to Graduate form in WebSTAC, prior to the anticipated degree date.  A student may file more than one Intent to Graduate form if their anticipated degree date changes.

Deadlines for declaring an Intent to Graduate in any given semester are set by the Office of the University Registrar.  Anticipated degree date deadlines: 

  • Anticipated May graduation – late December  
  • Anticipated August graduation – early August 
  • Anticipated December graduation – early October

When the Intent to Graduate deadlines are confirmed, students will be notified via WUSTL email.

If a student does not file an Intent to Graduate form, they are:

  • in jeopardy of not graduating in their intended semester and will have to delay to the subsequent semester, 
  • their name may not be listed in the Commencement program, 
  • and they may not be able to participate in the ceremony. 

Filing this form will also be the student’s only opportunity to provide a pronunciation for their name to be used at Commencement.

Commencement Participation

Washington University hosts one Commencement ceremony each academic year, held in May. The University honors December graduates with a recognition ceremony. The Brown School is required to follow University policy and protocol with regard to Commencement events. 

Students who graduated in December of the previous year and those who will graduate in May or August of the current academic year are eligible to participate in the May Washington University Commencement and Brown School Recognition Ceremony.  

In order to participate, students must RSVP for either event.

For dates and more information please refer to the Commencement Website.