Full-Time Tuition

In the Fall and Spring semesters, students enrolled full–time are assessed a flat per semester tuition charge. Full-time status is defined as enrolled in a minimum of 9 credit hours and not in excess of the semester enrollment cap.

After the first semester, if a student wishes to enroll in more hours than the semester enrollment cap, the student must request to be administratively enrolled by the Brown School Office of the Registrar. If approved to enroll, the student will be charged the per credit hour tuition rate for these credit hours in addition to the per semester flat rate.  

Students who have received a scholarship that covers full-tuition and wish to enroll in credits exceeding the semester enrollment cap will be charged the per credit hour tuition rate over that cap.  Scholarships do not cover the extra tuition cost. 

If a student adds an additional degree program after one has already begun, they will be assessed tuition for that new program based on the new matriculation date, not the original matriculation date. 

Per credit tuition charge

Students enrolling in 8 credit hours or fewer in the Fall or Spring semester will be charged the per credit hour tuition rate.

All Summer semester credit hours are charged the per credit hour rate.  

Students who are only enrolled in 3 credits of practicum in the Fall or Spring semester will be charged the per credit hour rate although they are considered full-time students.

Tuition Refunds

Withdrawal from all courses: Fall & Spring full-semester courses

In order to qualify for any tuition refund as listed below, courses must be dropped before 11:59pm on Friday of the week indicated. This policy applies only to students who withdraw (or take a Leave of Absence) from all semester courses.

  • 100% tuition refund       Courses dropped before end of second week
  • 70% tuition refund         Courses dropped before end of fourth week
  • 50% tuition refund         Courses dropped before end of eighth week

Courses dropped after the end of the 8th week will receive no tuition refund. 

Withdrawal from all courses: Summer

In order to qualify for any tuition refunds, students must follow the following deadlines:

  • 100% tuition refund      Courses dropped by midnight before the course begins.
  • 80% tuition refund        Courses dropped by midnight of the first day of the course.

Courses dropped after midnight on the first day of the course will receive no tuition refund.

Withdrawal from Individual Courses

  • For students who withdraw from one or more courses but remain enrolled in the minimum number of credits required for full-time enrollment, there is no tuition adjustment/refund.
  • The Brown School Offices of the Registrar and Financial Aid will inform students about any financial aid and scholarship implications if their enrollment falls to less than full time. 

Summer Practicum Credit and Tuition Adjustment

MSW, MSW Advanced Standing and MPH Students

Fall or spring tuition can include up to a total of 7 field-based credits registered for during summer semesters by reducing the total credit enrollment in the fall or spring semesters adjoining the summer in which the credit is registered. Credits are automatically applied to the credit caps of adjoining fall semesters in the system so that tuition is not charged during the summer. These summer field-based credits must be registered for in the summer semester.


Typical Enrollment Cycle

Fall 1 Spring 1Summer 1Fall 2Spring 2Summer 2 (Optional)

In Summer 1, a student who is enrolled in practicum can apply summer practicum credits toward the enrollment cap(s) of spring 1 and/or fall 2. This will then reduce the enrollment cap(s) of the semester(s) accordingly.

In Summer 2, a student who is enrolled in practicum can apply summer practicum credits toward the enrollment cap of spring 2 only. This will reduce the enrollment cap of Spring 2 accordingly.

Important Note: During their tenure at the Brown School, students may apply up to 7 credits of field-based, practicum credits total toward the enrollment caps of other semesters as described above.

For planning purposes, please use the applicable Practicum Tracking worksheet to determine your semester enrollment caps determined by your expected Summer practicum enrollment. 

Dual MSW/MPH Students

Fall or spring tuition can include up to a total of 7 field-based credits registered for during summer semesters by reducing the total credit enrollment in the fall or spring semesters adjoining the summer in which the credit is registered. Credits are automatically applied to the credit caps of adjoining fall semesters in the system so that tuition is not charged during the summer. These summer field-based credits must be registered for in the summer semester. 


Typical Enrollment Cycle

Fall 1 Spring 1Summer 1Fall 2Spring 2Summer 2 (Optional)

In Summer 1, a student who is enrolled in practicum can apply summer practicum credits toward the enrollment cap(s) of spring 1 and/or fall 2. This will then reduce the enrollment cap(s) of the semester(s) accordingly.

In Summer 2, a student who is enrolled in practicum can apply summer practicum credits toward the enrollment cap of spring 2 only. This will reduce the enrollment cap of Spring 2 accordingly.

Important Note: During their tenure at the Brown School, students may apply up to 7 credits of field-based, practicum credits total toward the enrollment caps of other semesters as described above.

For planning purposes, please use the applicable Practicum Tracking worksheet to determine your semester enrollment caps determined by your expected Summer practicum enrollment. 

MSP Students

Fall or spring tuition can include up to a total of 3 field-based credits registered for during summer semesters by reducing the total credit enrollment in the fall or spring semesters adjoining the summer in which the credit is registered. Credits are automatically applied to the credit caps of adjoining MSP semesters in the system so that tuition is not charged during the summer. These summer field-based credits must be registered for in the summer semester. 

Dual Degree Students

Dual Degree Students**
Fall or Spring tuition can include practicumcredits registered for in a summer semester by reducing the total credit enrollment in that Fall or Spring semester in which you are prime to the Brown School. However, the student must work with Brown School Office of Student Financial Services to determine to which Prime Brown School semester enrollment cap(s) the credits will be applied.

*The student must be enrolled in at least 9 credit hours (full-time status) in the semester to which the practicum credits are being applied.

**Due to the nature of these dual degree programs, MSP, MPH/MSOT, MPH/PhD and MPH/MD students are not eligible for deferred tuition in the Summer.