We are excited to have you as a part of the Brown School community and know that you have unique needs as an International Student. The Brown School hosts the following programs, events and initiatives to assist students with their transition to the US.

International Student Orientation 

Orientation will be offered every August and includes programming geared especially towards international students, including an opportunity to use public transportation with Brown School staff and students to explore your surroundings. Students will also have access to a practicum student in the office of Global Programs the summer before arrival, who can help assist with the transition to St. Louis and the Brown School.

International Connector

A program that informally matches first year international students with a second year domestic and an international students. This is an opportunity for students to get to know others at Brown and to explore St. Louis! We organize a welcome and concluding event, and at least 1-2 cultural events throughout the year, such as a Blues Hockey or Cardinals baseball game.

International Student Resource Sessions 

  • Maneuvering Health Care
  • Working with Police
  • How to Get a Car and License
  • Resume and Cover Letter Building
  • Working in the U.S.

Mental Health Resources

Habif Health and Wellness Center offers a Chinese speaking therapist on staff. In addition, students can participate in “Let’s Talk,” a program that provides students with easy access to free, brief, confidential consultations with counselors from Mental Health Services (MHS). MHS counselors hold walk-in hours on the third floor of Goldfarb Hall during which students can stop by when their schedule permits- no appointments needed. Finally, the Liberman Graduate Center presents International C.H.A.T. (Creating Healthy Actions Together), a weekly informal gathering for international graduate students led by experienced group facilitators.

English Language Support Classes 

All Brown School international students will be tested by OISS English Language Program for English language proficiency upon arrival at Brown School. Based on the assessment scoring, students may be required to attend an English Language Support (ELS) Class, which is held every Friday during the first semester of the MSW, MPH, and MSP programs. The ELS class is a two-credit class, however the credits do not count toward the student’s degree program, and there is no tuition charge for these two credits.

Cultural Showcase 

This annual event showcases the many vibrant cultures at the Brown School, culminating in a student showcase of song, dance, and food! 

Current Student and Alumni Panels

GPO arranges panels with current second year students as well as recent alumni who were international students at the Brown School.

Brown School International Student Groups 

  • International Student Association (ISA) – To bridge the gap between international students and American students, assist international students in overcoming various cultural barriers, and to raise cultural awareness in the Brown School, the Washington University campus, and St. Louis communities. isa@brownschool.wustl.edu.
  • Brown School African Students Association (BSASA) – To provide a network for both African and non-African Brown School students interested in Africa and to increase awareness of African issues.  bsasa@brownschool.wustl.edu.
  • Voice of Dream – To provide a network forstudents interested in social work and public health topics in China. voice9of9dream@gmail.com.
  • Mi Gente: Latinx at Brown – Mi Gente is a student organization that strives to foster community among Latinx-identified individuals and allies to be able to advocate for visibility and community engagement at the Brown School and the greater St. Louis region.

Key Contacts

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Tammy Orahood

Director of Global Programs

Office: Goldfarb Hall 229G

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Zizi Xu Shillig

Global Programs Manager

Office: Brown Hall 309B