Welcome to the Brown School PhD Student Resources page on Inside Brown! Below you will find handbook forms, Brown School/university resources, PhD faculty mentoring information, and key contacts for the PhD program.
The forms referenced below are managed in a platform called DocuSign. Please use this link to reference an info session held by the program managers in Spring 2023. This info session goes through how to navigate DocuSign, as well as tips and tricks regarding some of the forms. The PowerPoint from this info session can be found here.
For questions about the progress of your form (ex. if it is sitting in someone’s inbox waiting to sign), email the SW Program Manager – phdsw@wustl.edu. For questions about the content of your form, email your respective Program Manager and/or Program Director (SW or PHS).
Required Handbook Forms
Form Name and Link | What is it? | Form Requires: | When should this form be submitted? |
Mentored Research Experience Form | Use to enroll in Research Practicum (RP) and Doctoral Research (DR) | Faculty instructor, faculty advisor, program director, research proposal (indicate the tasks of the project) | Once the student knows the faculty instructor and has the proposal written (by the registration deadline) This form must be filled out each semester the student enrolls in a new RP and DR |
Mentored Teaching Experience Form | Use to enroll for: Teaching Practicum (TP), Mentored Assistant Teaching Experience (MATE), or Mentored Independent Teaching Experience (MITE) | Course information as needed, such as meeting schedule with instructor, office hours, lecture topic, grading & critiquing responsibilities & course development plan, Faculty Instructor, Faculty Advisor | Once the student knows the faculty instructor and has the proposal written (by the registration deadline) This form must be filled out each semester the student enrolls in a new TP, MATE, or MITE |
PhD Advisor Change Form | Use to document the student’s change in faculty advisors | Current faculty advisor, New faculty advisor | Once the new faculty advisor has been chosen, by August 1st of the student’s second year |
Area Statement and Qualifying Exam Committee Approval Form | Use to gain approval and document the AS&QE committee | Names of Chair and 2 Committee Member | Typically during the student’s 2nd or 3rd year before the student begins drafting the area statement |
Area Statement & Qualifying Exam Final Grade Form | Use to document the passing AS&QE grade | Dates of the exam and instructor | As soon as the student has been notified that they passed the AS&QE |
Dissertation Committee Approval Form | Use to gain approval and document the dissertation committee | Dissertation Committee Members list. External Committee Members will need to add their CV | Before August 1 of the end of the fourth year |
Notice of Title, Scope, and Procedure of Dissertation | Use to document PhD candidacy and approval of the dissertation information | Dissertation Committee Members list, Dissertation format (traditional or 3-paper model), Dissertation title, Scope of Dissertation (4000 character limit), Procedure (4000 character limit) | Once the dissertation proposal has been approved and at least six months before the final oral defense |
Dissertation Defense Notification Form | Use to approve and document the defense date, location, and title | Defense date and location, Dissertation Title, most recent CV, Dissertation Chair | At least two weeks prior to the defense date |
Dissertation Defense Exam Approval Form | Use to document the approval of the dissertation defense | Dissertation title, Dissertation Committee Members | As soon as the student has passed the dissertation |
Other Handbook Forms (used as needed)
Form Name and Link | What is it? | Form Requires: | When should this form be submitted? |
Request for Leave of Absence Form | Use to request approval for a personal or medical leave | student information, dates of leave, reason for leave (written document that gets attached to the form in DocuSign) | Before the leave begins |
Request for New Child Leave Form | Use to request approval for a new child leave | student information, start of leave and expected return, and contact information while on leave | Before a student needs to assume care |
PhD Grade Change Form | Used for the instructor to submit a new grade after missing the e-grade deadline | course that is getting a grade change, faculty instructor | When a student needs a grade change for any reason besides AS&QE and Dissertation (see forms above) |
Independent Study Form | Use to enroll in independent study | instructor, faculty advisor, program director, syllabus (see template in PhD Brown School Resources section below), and any additional information about the course | When a student chooses to fulfill elective credit through an independent study |
Request for Voluntary Withdrawal | Use to withdraw from the program | withdrawal effective date, written statement of withdrawal | When a student wishes to withdraw from the program |
2024 Brown School PhD Handbook
The PhD handbook is an essential tool for navigating your time as a PhD student at the Brown School. Inside you will find information regarding the program, advising, requirements for the degree, commencement, financial related polices, leadership development, and other details regarding the mentored teaching/research experiences, the Area Statement & Qualifying Exam, and the Dissertation Process, among many other student resources.
Guide to Professional Development Funds
This document contains information pertaining to what professional development funds are, what is generally approved for fund use, the reimbursement process, FAQs, and steps on how to fill out an expense report in Workday.
WebSTAC is the primary academic records and accounts portal for students. Students will use this to register for classes, pay bills, create registration worksheets, and update personal information.
WashU MyCanvas is the primary instance of Canvas for Washington University in St. Louis. Students use Canvas to access and manage their coursework.
Brown School Dissertation Template
Students must use this template for their dissertation. Before submitting, please make sure the formatting is exactly the same (ex. TOC, page numbers, font, heading styles, table/image placement, etc.).
International Dissertation Scholarship Application
Technology Updates Fall 2023 – Brown School
This document outlines technology updates for Brown School Students as of Fall 2023 per the IT Department.
Independent Study Template
An independent study can be a great way to structure an individualized training experience. The first step is to connect with a faculty member who can oversee and grade the independent study. Students should use this template to create a course description and syllabus for their independent study course. The completed template must be attached to the Independent Study Form (see Other Handbook Forms above) when the student is ready to submit their independent study for approval.
Intent to Graduate Form – University Registrar Link goes to the Registrar page for the form
Academic and Professional Integrity
Detailing the Code, types of offenses and procedures for dealing with infringements
Career Development
Resources for students to enhance their leadership skills and build professional strengths
Fellowships, student groups, and resources available for connection
Doctoral Council
Standing governance committee of the Provost
Graduate Student Resources
Range of services to help students transition to life in St. Louis
The Graduate Center
The Graduate Center (TGC) is a resource dedicated to graduate and professional students across all schools at Washington University
University-Wide Policies for PhD Students
PhD policies managed by the Vice Provost for Graduate Education
IRB Assurance Request Form
Necessary form for IRB approval
Every mentor brings their own style and strengths to the mentoring process, but this guide provides some reminders about the formal aspects of the role, some tips and ideas from collective experience of faculty who have chaired several students over the
years, and some resource and tools that you can use to enhance your mentoring skills and support work with your mentees. In addition to this guide, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the PhD Student Handbook that provides details on curriculum, milestones and policies that are important for you as an advisor to understand.

Jenn Ramirez, MSEd
PhD Program Manager – Public Health Sciences
- Phone: 314-935-3023
- Email: jennifer.ramirez@wustl.edu

Patrick Fowler
Director, Doctoral Education in Public Health Sciences
- Phone: 314-935-5859
- Email: pjfowler@wustl.edu
Office: Brown Hall 210

PhD Student Accomplishments
PhD Students and Candidates, click the button below to complete a Qualtrics form to share your recent accomplishments in an upcoming newsletter. Accomplishments include presentations and publications, media coverage, grants awarded, news from home (birth, adoption, etc.), and anything else notable that you would like to share.