Below is an alphabetical listing of services that the Brown School IT Department offers. Each page contains a description of the services and the person to contact about the service. If you don’t see a service listed here, please call Shared IT Services at 314-935-3333 and they can assist in directing you to the correct person.
Brown School Information Technology works with departments and research centers to understand business processes and facilitate application of technology solutions as appropriate. The school focuses its efforts on development in SharePoint and Microsoft .NET solutions. The services range from evaluation, selection and implementation of vendor solutions, to custom software development. In every case, this group uses standards-based processes that include project management, requirement analysis, design, programming, testing, implementation, training, and ongoing support.
While we try to handle most small efforts utilizing internal resources, these are somewhat limited. We have several external partners that we work with on larger projects as well as grant-related efforts. Fees will vary based upon the complexity of the proposed project.
To request an initial meeting to review your project, please contact Samantha Lacy.
Samantha Lacy
Director of Information Technology
- Phone: 314-935-7107
- Email:
Office: Hillman Hall 143
Audio Visual services are available in Brown, Goldfarb and Hillman classrooms as well as by request from the Office of Information Technology. In addition to equipment, we provide staff and student resources to assist with recording and general AV support for most events held in Brown and Goldfarb Halls. For larger events as well as those held outside the School, we can work with you to provide services or find a vendor who can assist with your needs.
Each Brown School supported classroom and conference room is equipped with the following:
- Projector or other display
- Sound / Speakers
- Resident PC
- HDMI input for a laptop or other device
Each Brown School group study room is equipped with the following:
- Wall mounted display
- Sound from the display
- VGA and HDMI input for a laptop or other device
In addition select classrooms have the following optional equipment (Please check with IT for details on where this equipment is deployed):
- Wall-mounted video cameras
- In-room microphone array
In addition to what is available in the classroom, the following equipment can be checked out for use from the Office of Information Technology:
- 3 Polycom Speaker Phones
- Mackie 16-channel Mixer
- Lavalier (Lapel) Microphones
- Handheld Microphones
- 1 DVD/VCR Player
- Presentation remotes
- Portable video conference kits including webcam and microphone
Most equipment is able to be used without any charge. There maybe a charge for Staff or Student time depending upon the type of event being supported. Fees from vendors will vary based upon the complexity of what is requested.
Equipment can be reserved through the reservation system. To coordinate recording of events or other special needs you can contact Braden Henze. All AV request must be submitted 2 weeks prior to the event occurring.
For immediate support with AV issues you can contact the IT Help Desk, the student-staffed AV help desk, or Braden Henze.

IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.

Braden Henze
Audio Visual Support Specialist
- Phone: 314-747-6120
- Email:
Office: Hillman Hall 140
All classrooms in the Brown School provide a base level of technology that include the following pieces of equipment:
- Projector
- Resident computer
- Laptop input
- Component input
Classroom are generally equipped with touch based control panels that allow for consistent interface with room technology. There are several rooms in Goldfarb Hall that we are working to bring up to this standard.
Additional equipment can be requested for any classroom. Listings of additional equipment can be found in the following locations:
- Audio Visual
- Lecture Capture
- Online Learning Technologies
Braden Henze manages technology for all Brown School classrooms. Additional equipment can be reserved by contacting the IT Help Desk. Please note that all special requests must be made 2 weeks in advance of the class date.

IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.

Braden Henze
Audio Visual Support Specialist
- Phone: 314-747-6120
- Email:
Office: Hillman Hall 140
Washington University in St. Louis provides Box cloud-based content management and file sharing to students, faculty and staff at no charge. It’s a secure and easy way to store, access manage and share digital files. Individuals, teams and departments can use the service to store and share files, and the user-friendly interface makes uploading and organizing content fast and easy.
You can learn more about the service by visiting If you need to create an account or login, go to
Desktop support is provided to all faculty, staff and lab computers at the Brown School. Desktop support consists of the following group of services:
- Customer Support – Phone and desk-side resolution of hardware or software issues
- Operating System / Application Patching – Typically a monthly update process to ensure operating systems and software are up to date
- Virus Scanning
- Peripheral Support – support of printers, hand-held devices, scanner and other external devices
- Hardware Ordering – We coordinate with the Business Office on any IT related hardware (e.g. computers, printers, tablets, etc.).
- System and Peripheral Deployment – Receive, install, configure and deploy computers, software and peripherals. Please see Hardware Ordering for additional information on this process.
- Technical Advisor – Assist with determining appropriate hardware and software to meet business needs
- User Accounts – Creation and maintenance of accounts used to login and access network resources
Students can receive desktop support from Student Technology Services.
All desktop support requests are initiated by contacting Shared IT Services. Technicians have the ability to connect remotely and resolve most support issues. If they are not able to resolve it, they can collect the necessary information and hand it off to a desktop support technician for final resolution.
IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
Distribution list are groups of email recipients that are addressed as a single recipient. We maintain several distribution lists in the university Office 365 email environment. Only Brown School faculty, staff, and select department/organization accounts have access to send to these distribution lists. Any requests to send to these distribution lists should be directed to the Office of Communications at the School or the Student Services Coordinator. The distribution list names along with their owners are listed below:
List Name | Description | Owner |
Brown Faculty-Adjunct | Current adjunct faculty teaching at the School. This list is managed manually. | Academic and Student Affairs |
Brown Faculty-Emeritus | All faculty designated as emeritus that maintain and email account with the University. This list is managed manually. | Faculty Affairs |
Brown Faculty-Joint Appointment | | Faculty Affairs |
Brown Faculty-Professor of Practice | | Faculty Affairs |
Brown Faculty-Research | | Faculty Affairs |
Brown Faculty-Senior Lecturers | All faculty designated as lecturer, senior lecturer, or teaching professor | Faculty Affairs |
Brown Faculty-Tenure-Tenure Track | | Faculty Affairs |
Brown MPH | All students with an open MPH program in the Student Information System | School Registrar |
Brown MPH-MSW Dual | All student with an open MPH and MSW program in the Student Information System | School Registrar |
Brown MSP | All students with an open MSP program in the Student Information System | School Registrar |
Brown MSW | All students with an open MSW program in the Student Information System | School Registrar |
Brown PhD Internal | All students with an open program in the PhD program in the Student Information System | PhD Program |
Brown Post Docs | | |
Brown Staff | All people in HRMS with the role of staff. This group is populated automatically on a nightly basis. | School Human Resources |
Brown Visiting Scholars | | International Programs |
There are no fees associated with use of these lists.
If you feel that you should be on a distribution list, but are not receiving those communications, please contact the list owner and they can ensure that you are added.
Any request to send to distribution lists by those who do not have access to send to them should be directed to the Office of Communications.
E-mail accounts are supplies to all student, faculty and staff. All email accounts come from Microsoft Office 365. Email can be access by going to You will use your WUSTL Key to access email.
You can connect to e-mail using Outlook Web Access, Outlook Client and compatible mobile devices.
E-mail attachment size is currently limited to 32 MB. If you have a larger file you would like to send it is recommend that you use Box.
Support resources for these accounts can be found at
All faculty and staff have access network file storage. This network storage is mapped as lettered drives on Windows computers and can be mounted on Macs. File storage is broken down into three (3) specific areas.
- U / G Drive – This is a area designated for housing shared files between departments and centers. Access to folders is controlled by network security permissions and must be requested by a folder’s designated owner. Certain folders that are listed on the U drive have been mapped to other drive letters. We are in the process of migrating folders from the U Drive to the G drive.
- T Drive – This is a personal network share for each faculty and staff member. Access is limited to the user associated with the folder
- Protected Research Data – This is an area of the file server designated to house secure data. Access is control by network security group and must be requested by a folder’s owner.
All data on the T and U drives are backed up on a nightly basis and weekly backups are stored off site for 18 months. The Protected Research Data area is NOT backed so that it can remain in compliance with the term of use for the data sets houses on it.
While there is no quota for storage on our file servers, we will monitor to ensure that only work related materials are stored there. Also we will work with the owners of large folders to reduce their size periodically.
There are no fees associated with use of file services. IT will run periodic scans of folder to monitor size and will work with individual owner on what are deemed to be excessively large files.
To request a new folder or to request access for someone as a folder owner, faculty and staff can contact the IT Help Desk.
IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
The School partners with the University IT organization (IS&T) to provide the following network related services.
- Cabling and Port Activation
- Firewall Services
- Internet and Internet 2 Access
- IP Address, DHCP and DNS Management
- Network Security Monitoring and Response
- Security Loops
- SPAM filtering
- VPN Services
- Wireless Services
While there are no fees for internet connectivity, there maybe a charge for adding additional network ports.
All questions and request for services can be directed to IT Support.
IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
Students are able to print to a variety of locations across campus using the University print management system. Resources for quotas and pricing can be found below.
- Setting up your laptop
- Printing policy for students can be found on pages 20-21 of the student handbook.
All lab printers are checked hourly during operating hours to ensure that they are properly stocked and functional.
Faculty have access to side by printers as well as the School’s multi-function printer/copier/scanners.
Staff access to side by printer is at the discretion of the department and requests should come from the department head. All staff have access to the School’s multi-function printer/copier/scanners.
Student: fees for student printing are located in the student handbook under the Printing Policy section.
Faculty and Staff: multifunction device charges are by department and are listed below.
Multi-function Device Charges:
- Black and White – $0.0068 per side
- Color – $0.054 per side
Students: For issues with lab printers, printing quota or failed print jobs please contact our student manned help desk in Hillman 140.
Faculty and Staff:
IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
Multifunction device codes are requested from and maintained by the Business Office.
The purchasing and renewal of software is managed through the IT office. We coordinate the quoting and installing of software on all School computers.
There is no fee for the management of software. There may be fee associated with individual titles.
All requests for software should be directed to IT Support.
IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
The School maintains a subscription to Qualtrics as an online survey tool. This can be used by faculty and staff for conducting online surveys. This survey tool is good for use with external participants as well as when there is a need for more sophisticated analysis.
To begin the process of creating a new Qualtrics account, click here.
There are no fees associated with the use of Qualtrics.
Qualtrics accounts can be requested from the IT Help Desk.
IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
While the Brown School IT department does not offer direct training, you do have access to several self-service training resources.
- LinkedIn Learning (formerly Offers access to more than 7,500 self-paced web training on a variety of topics including Adobe, Excel, and Zoom. These tutorials are free for all university faculty, staff and students with your WUSTL Key.
- UMSL Computer Education & Training Center: This organization offers a number of technology-based training courses. There are fees associated.
- Olin Library has a number of online books on a variety of technical topics. You can get to their catalog here.
Video Conferencing is real-time video and audio communications between two or more users in two or more different locations.
In addition to software based solutions (e.g. – Zoom, Teams, Skype, etc.), the School uses Polycom Video Conferencing Systems as its platform for video conferencing. We have a cart with Polycom equipment that can be rolled into any space at the School.
Hillman 158 is a room that is set up specifically for the purpose of video conferencing. It is equipped with ceiling microphones as well as two monitors for easier sharing of content.
We can also support a number of Web Conferencing platforms.
There are several options for hosting webinars and online meetings.
Zoom allows for web based online meeting with people both inside and outside the university. It allows for online presentation, screen sharing, audio* and video*.
Teams allows for chat, voice, video and screen sharing internally for the Brown School. This is design for ad-hoc communication between small groups.
There are no costs associated with any of these services.
* please note that you must have a camera and/or a microphone attached to your computer to be able to send video and audio to remote participants.
There are no fees associated with the use of this equipment.
For support with Polycom devices, please contact the IT Help Desk or Braden Henze.

IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.

Braden Henze
Audio Visual Support Specialist
- Phone: 314-747-6120
- Email:
Office: Hillman Hall 140
VPN can be used to connect to internal Brown School network resources from computers located external to our network. Faculty and Staff and PhD students have access to this resource via their WUSTL Key. MSW and MPH Students can have access to this resource provided they are working as a Research Assistant or in some other capacity for the School. In such cases, access must be requested by the center or department.
Instructions for accessing this service can be found on the How To page of this site.
To request access or to get support for this service, contact the IT Help Desk:
IT Help Desk
- Phone: 314-933-3333
- Email:
This group is available from 7:30AM to 7:30 PM Monday through Friday to provide desktop support. They are the first place you should call if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
Washington University provides a free WordPress platform and template for public facing web sites; it is called WUSTL Sites. Public Affairs also offers in-depth online tutorials as well as training sessions on a regular basis.
If WUSTL Sites does not meet your needs, and you have a budget for an outside design and development firm create and host your own site, contact the School’s Communications department. We can inform you of local agencies who are approved website designers and developers.
All students, faculty and staff have a WUSTL key and it is used to access a number of University and School resources.
The WUSTL Key web site has resources for using your WUSTL Key as well as resetting your password.