Below is a summary of the technologies available fo teaching and learning both inside and outside the classroom.  In addition to a brief description, system owner and general use there is a link to the Brown School Service Catalog where applicable. That link contains additional information the service and how to take advantage of it.

Technology​​Description​Use​System Owner
Flash Streaming Server​​We have access to a couple of these servers on campus.  This allows for capture and streaming of video.  There is some preparation and lead time that are necessary when working with these solutions.​Video Capture, Live Streaming​Arts and Sciences
Media Site​Portable capture and editing system that automatically synchronizes audio, video, and PPT or other visual presentation aids.  Content can be embedded in a web site that supports multi-media. There is also integration with Blackboard that allows content to be linked directly to a course.​Lecture Capture, Live Streaming​Brown School IT
​Video Conferencing​Brown School has a portable video conferencing cart for use anywhere in Brown and Goldfarb Halls. The university is making additional investments in Polycom, including a special add-on that allows people to video conference from their desktop computer or iPad.  This tool also builds off the conferencing infrastructure established in DC.​High Quality Video Conferencing​Brown School IT